How to remove OSTree from image generation

Hi there.

We are building a custom TorizonOS image using the Yocto Project.
We need to use the /opt directory in a specific recipe. However, when compiling, Bitbake presents some warnings notifying that it is not possible to use this type of directory (as discussed in the question: Torizon, changes to /opt folder).

Therefore, I would like to disable OSTree as I am not using OTA or offline updates in this project.
How can I do this without messing up my image generation?

Note: We tried to remove the meta-updater from bblayers.conf but there are dependencies on this layer.

Colibri iMX6DL 512MB V1.1A
Iris Carrier Board V1.1A
Base image: Torizon 6.5.0 (Kirkstone)

Greetings @jonathansilva,

I just want to understand your use-case here first. I have a couple of questions if you don’t mind answering:

We need to use the /opt directory in a specific recipe.

What recipe here are you trying to add?

I would like to disable OSTree as I am not using OTA or offline updates in this project.

If you’re not using any kind of updates, and you’re doing a yocto build. Then for what reason are you using Torizon anymore? At that point could you not just use our reference BSP image that does not have any of this stuff in the first place? Or is there a reason you still want to use Torizon OS?

Best Regards,

Hi @jeremias.tx,

My use case boils down to this situation: I’m migrating from Angstrom to Torizon because the applications that run on this system are being containerized. So, answering your questions:

What recipe here are you trying to add?

I’m working in a project from the recipes-extended.

Then for what reason are you using Torizon anymore?

We are building bitbake on the common target torizon-core-docker image. However, I just need something minimal with Docker compatibility and it must be a fully real-time image. Do you have any reference BSP image without OSTree and Aktualizr to recommend in this case?

Best Regards,
Jonathan T.

I see. Well now my question is, would it be more work to modify/append this recipe you’re using to not use the /opt directory anymore, or try and remove OSTree from our image. We have OSTree pretty heavily integrated on multiple levels of our image so it’s not the most trivial task to just remove it.

Or better yet what is this project you’re trying to add? Can it be added in another way rather than Yocto? Like in a container for instance.

However, I just need something minimal with Docker compatibility and it must be a fully real-time image.

To be clear how “real-time” are you thinking? Linux is not a true real-time OS if that is what you require, even with the real-time patch it is not considered true real-time.

Do you have any reference BSP image without OSTree and Aktualizr to recommend in this case?

We do not. So you still require Docker in this case then? Our BSP image does not have OSTree or Aktualizr, but it also does not have Docker.

Best Regards,