When i reboot a board its taking 1.20 minute to boot up and its stuck up at network service for more than 50 second and showing logs as follows
A start job is running for Connection service (54s / 1min )
how to reduce this timeout so that my board boot up fast
hi sagar
Could you provide the version of the hardware and software of your module? Add also your reboot log in a file?
Thanks and best regards
Angstrom v2016.12 - Kernel Apalis-iMX6_Qt4-X11-Image 2.7.3 20171108 this is my kernel version and apalis IMX6Q board i have attached screenshot where boot stucks up
Do you have your bard connected to network?
Do you have a USB WiFi dongle inserted?
- If yes - please try to boot with no network/USB dongle connected.
For “long” boot situation - could you do
#dmesg >dmesg.txt
#journalctl -b >boot.txt
And attach resulted dmesg.txt and boot.txt here?
if i change timeout in /etc/systemd/system.conf as
then its booting fast but in that case i got an error [FAILED] Failed to start Connection service.
but if i keep timeout as 90s then its working fine but taking 1.40 minutes for boot up
First I am wondering what exactly is your use case e.g. what devices/interfaces do you have connected and what kind of network services does your application require?
Looking at the log file more closely I noticed the following:
Mar 14 21:01:40 apalis-imx6 kernel: ci_hdrc ci_hdrc.0: Device No Response
Mar 14 21:02:40 apalis-imx6 kernel: random: nonblocking pool is initialized
Mar 14 21:02:56 apalis-imx6 systemd[1]: Started PC/SC Smart Card Daemon.
Mar 14 21:03:36 apalis-imx6 systemd-networkd-wait-online[567]: Event loop failed: Connection timed out
So it might be related to the USB device aka ci_hdrc connection or the systemd’s event loop.
May I suggest for you to try our regular LXDE based demo image of a still supported BSP version.
BTW: Please note that BSP 2.7.3 aka 2.7b3 is considered obsolete by now as we moved on to 2.8b1. Alternatively you may update to stable 2.7.4.
Could you please disconnect all USB devices (including USB-WiFI dongle) and try to boot?