How to enable log for windows CE 6 in colibri pxa310

We have some problems related to unexpected resections of the colibri. We do not know exactly what they should be but we think it may be that the Windows CE 6 system may unexpectedly stop working.
This is because at some point in the execution of our application the device stops traces logs and shows a period of time of 5 minutes without traces.
That is why we would like to be able to activate the traces to the operating system to know if we really have the problem with this or it is another issue.

Is there someone who has experienced something similar?
What do I have to do to enable this in Windows CE 6 in the Colibri PXA 310?

Dear @Kernel01

Did you mean unexpected resets of the Colibri? There’s a lot of possible reasons, including watchdog and weak power supply.

There’s an article on the Developer pages which describes how to enable debug messages:

In the best case you might see an exception to be thrown before the system resets.

Regards, Andy