How to edit the size of the splash screen that will match the Capacitive Touch Display 10.1" LVDS

Hi Toradex Community,

How to edit the size of the splash screen that will match the Capacitive Touch Display 10.1" LVDS.

I ’ am using the TorizonCore Builder to customize the Torizon OS by adding a splash screen :

  • 1920X155 Pixel
  • Format png

The Capacitive Touch Display 10.1" LVDS:

  • Resolution: 1280x800px
  • LVDS 8-bit

More general how I could set up the TorizonCore Builder that will displays the splach screen depending on the size of the Display(HDMI, LDVS…)

Any Help?
Best Regards,

Hello @Ahmed49,

To do that, you can simply resize your image to the intended resolution, adding padding if distorting the image is not intended.

With the image in the correct resolution, you can set it with TorizonCore builder: Splash Screen on Torizon OS | Toradex Developer Center

Regarding the multiple resolutions question, I will answer you in your other topic.

Best Regards,

Hello @Ahmed49,

Were you able to get this issue resolved?
Or do you need further support with this topic?

Best Regards,