How to check Link and Speed of Ethernet port

Verdin iMX8M Plus Quad 8GB WB V1.0A
Linux BSP 5.7.0

I am looking for a way to read the link and speed of the Ethernet port.
Is there something equivalent to ethtool already included in the Linux build to verify the link and speed of the Ethernet port?


Hi @oscar.medina,

The ethtool is available in our BSP 5.7 Multimedia image, but not in our Minimal image.

If you want to add it to your custom image, the recipe is already available under

$ fd -t f ethtool

Therefore, adding IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " ethtool" to your Yocto configuration should be enough to add it to your custom image.

One quick note, it’s also possible to get some information about your connection under /sys/class/net/eth0 and /proc/net, although using ethtool should be better in your case.

Best Regards,

Hi @oscar.medina,

If my answer helped you, can you please mark it as “solved” so we can close it?

Feel free to ask any questions that you might have.

Best Regards,

Hello Hiago,

Thank you for the follow up.

This issue is solved, it is OK to close it.


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