How to change splash screen monitor?

I am following your guide at page Splash Screen on U-Boot | Toradex Developer Center.
I am able to load and display splash image but the problem is that on stm32mp157c-dk2. I have 2 connected monitors. One is small touch screen connected through DSI, and second is HDMI monitor. When I run “bmp display $splashimage” it always display on DSI screen and I would like to have it on HDMI monitor. How can I change it ? I tried to set video-mode env variable but it didn’t work.
If you could help me i would be really grateful, st community is not very active and i don’t see “BMP display” command description on official U-Boot site.

Hi @Tasgar,

Sorry but we don’t provide support for stm32mp157c-dk2.

I’d suggest you to call for STMicro support.

Best regards,
André Curvello

Hi, I thought so, but it was worth to try anyway :slight_smile: Thanks for answer!

You are welcome! I’d like to suggest you to try a Toradex CoM :wink: