How to build a QBSP for other images?

Hi, i am currently using “Apalis-iMX6_Reference-Multimedia-Image-upstream-Tezi_5.3.0+build.10” image and trying to configure QT creator.

From “How to set up Qt Creator to cross compile for embedded Linux | Toradex Developer Center” :

It says that it is recommended to build a QBSP, but after following all the resources given in QT website, all of the contents about QBSP is referring to boot2qt image. May I know how to build QBSP for other images? (Sorry if my questions sounds weird as this is my first time doing this)

Hi @Raymond , yes, you are right. QBSP is related to boot2qt image. QBSP is binary and you need Qt commercial license to download it now. If the open-source version of Qt is fine, you can still follow Build with OpenEmbedded Layers guide to build image including Qt components, SDK and config it in Qt Creator.

Hi @benjamin.tx , thanks for the clarifications.