I’ve downloaded the pre-compiled binaries from Drivers for Allied Vision's MIPI CSI-2 Alvium cameras - Allied Vision (GitHub - alliedvision/linux_imx8_apalis: Allied Vision CSI-2 camera driver for Toradex Apalis iMX8) and would like to install these drivers to access the camera.
Hi @HSLU_Obrist and Welcome to the Toradex Community!
Could you provide the hardware and Software of your module?
What is your application?
Best regards,
Dear @jaski.tx,
I’m using this setup: Apalis iMX8 Embedded Vision Starter Kit
Apalis iMX8 QuadMax, Ixora Carrier Board, Alvium 1500 series camera
From the toradex easy installer I have installed the newest torizion image. And now in the hallo-world base container I would like to install the drivers for the Alvium 1500 camera.
As a application in the future also halcon should be included.
Best regards
Hello Corsin,
Attention: at the moment, the camera driver is not supported in the latest release of TorizonCore. As a workaround, use the out-of-the-box demo from the previous section. Allied Vision is working with Toradex for a better driver integration in the Toradex BSP. The Allied Vision CSI-2 Alvium Camera Driver is available on GitHub.
Best Regards,
Matthias Gohlke