Help to integrate a custom kernel into a Torizon Core Image

Hello @gerko,

Thanks for the clarification.

From this answer in your other post, I can see that you’ve been successful in editing the kernel driver source and recompiling the kernel. After you compiled the kernel, if I understand you correctly, you built a reference Linux image in Toradex Easy Installer format. If that’s the case, I must say that you are mixing up the workflow of building reference Linux images with that of TorizonCore images.

What you need to do is the following:
You need to modify an in-tree kernel module and build a custom TorizonCore image with it. In this case, you will have to go with the Yocto workflow. That would be the cleanest way. As I have already mentioned before, you could follow this documentation on how to customize your kernel. As a pre-requisite, you need to build a TorizonCore image from Yocto and then add a custom layer and recipe to add your modifications on top of that. Then you will have to bitbake your custom TorizonCore image which will include the kernel modifications you added.

Modifying an in-tree kernel module is not really a supported use case of TorizonCore Builder. If you want to add an external kernel module or customize some kernel arguments you could do those with the TorizonCore Builder tool. Unfortunately, that’s not what you want to do here.