Found a typo on the main page of developer center

in " Software and Services" → " BSP & Yocto Projects",
missing an “i” in “tme”

Hi @Thauzei ,

I found the typo reported by you and I’ve passed this to the relevant team for correction. It should be fixed soon.

Thank you for reporting it!

Best regards,
Lucas Akira

Found another:
in page: Device Tree Overlays Technical Overview | Toradex Developer Center

sintax → syntax, 2 places

“The process of chosing”
chosing → choosing

The title “Other Os”,
“Os” shall be “OS” or “OSs”

Hi @Thauzei ,

Thank you very much for the corrections, the pages should be updated soon.

If you prefer, you can also send corrections and suggestions using the “Send Feedback!” button located on the bottom right of our developer site. You can continue to report here of course, feel free to do either way.

We really appreciate your feedback!

Best regards,
Lucas Akira

The “Send Feedback” function is very convenient, I’ll use it.

But I have one question: do I have to paste the page URL in the feedback,
i.e. if I do not paste the page URL, does the backend system know in which page I click the feedback button?

Hi @Thauzei ,

In the feedback form there is an option to include data from your current browser environment, including the page URL, as shown in the following picture:

You can also paste the URL manually if you don’t wish to include the extra browser environment in the feedback.

Best regards,
Lucas Akira