I must be missing something obvious. I have the above mentioned hardware. I’ve built a tdx-console-image using the 3.0 repository (LinuxImage3.0). Build was successful.
Now, I want to flash that image onto my board. Previously I was using a colibri-imx6dl with LinuxImage 2.8b6.
With that, it was a simple matter to unpack the image tarball on my WS, run update to update my tftp directory, and then on the board, simply dhcp/setethupdate/update and the images would be downloaded and flashed to the board.
With the new stuff, there is this EZ Installer (ezi). The board boots into it (though nothing appears on the connected 7" LCD). I end up having to use an rdp client to connect at 640x480. (Connect at any other resolution and the connection is immediately terminated.)
Ok. But there is nothing to install - only the same EZI, and a “Toradex Embedded Console Demo” downloaded from a TDX site. For kicks I installed this, but it is severely broken on this module (many kernel errors due to “add_uevent_var: too many keys”, failed device probing) and a blank LCD. So clearly that image is no good.
So I want to install my own image I built yesterday, in the hopes it works better - just a standard “bitbake console-tdx-image”, but I just can’t seem to figure out how to get it on the board.
I followed the directions on preparing an SDcard with the latest EZI for this board downloaded off of the tdx website, and ran 'run distro_bootcmd".
This seemed to work better in that I could actually see the ezi screen on the LCD now (it’s a newer version than what shipped on the board).
However, it still only gives me the same two choices - the old ezi that does not work with the LCD and the same tdx console image I’ve already tried with many problems that seem related to it’s DT configuration.
I tried placing the generated tarball (Colibri-iMX8X_Console-Image-Tezi_3.0b2-20191105.tar) on a USB stick ( a couple of them in fact) but they never seem to be ‘seen’ by the ez installer. I tried placing the tarball on the sdcard along with the newer ezi in the hopes it would look there, and booted again via distro_bootcmd. But no, it is not listed. Again, it seems no ability to convince ‘ezi’ to look at or flash this image.
All I want to be able to do is easily flash my images on this board during development like I could with the imx6. Can someone please tell me what I need to do to accomplish this?