Filtering packages in Torizon Cloud should behave in AND

In Torizon Cloud the packages can be filtered using the tags.
I noticed that when I select two or more tags, they are applied as OR tags, but usually I mean to put them in AND.
As an example, if I seclect both verdin-imx8mp and kirkstone I would like seeing all the packages that are kirkstone-based AND for verdin-imx8mp architecture.
At the moment they’re used in OR and in the image below you can see some dunfell packages too (because they’re for imx8mp)

It’s quite clear that the tags are used in OR because every time I add a new tag, the number of total items in the list increases.

Greetings @vix,

Our team is currently in the process of developing a new web UI that will succeed the current one. I’ll provide your feedback to them so that it is taken into consideration with the new UI.

Best Regards,