Facing issuee to establish the wifi access point mode in verdin imx 8 mp SOM

I am facing an issue with configuring the uap0 interface in access point mode on my Verdin iMX8MP device. The interface appears as “unmanaged” in nmcli and I am unable to bring up the connection. Below are the details of my setup and the problem:

Device Model: Verdin iMX8MP Q 4GB WB IT v1.1b
OS Version: Torizon OS 5.7.7 Preempt-RT (without containers)
Wi-Fi Interface: uap0
Issue: The uap0 interface appears as "unmanaged" in nmcli, preventing me from setting up an access point.

Steps Taken:

I checked the status of network devices using:


nmcli device


ethernet0 ethernet connected network0
mlan0 wifi disconnected –
ethernet1 ethernet unavailable –
docker0 bridge unmanaged –
can0 can unmanaged –
can1 can unmanaged –
sit0 iptunnel unmanaged –
lo loopback unmanaged –
uap0 wifi unmanaged –

I tried adding a new Wi-Fi connection using:


nmcli con add type wifi ifname uap0 mode ap con-name torizon ssid torizon

I then modified the Wi-Fi security and IP settings, but when I attempt to bring up the connection with:


nmcli con up torizon

I get the following errore

Error: Connection activation failed: No suitable device found for this connection (device ethernet0 not available because profile is not compatible with device (mismatching interface name)).

I noticed that the uap0 interface is listed as “unmanaged” in the nmcli device output.

Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!

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The issue you’re facing with the uap0 interface being marked as “unmanaged” in nmcli is preventing you from setting up a Wi-Fi access point on your Verdin iMX8MP device. To resolve this, you need to ensure that NetworkManager is configured to manage the uap0 interface. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Check NetworkManager Configuration:

    • Open the NetworkManager configuration file, typically located at /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf.
    • Ensure that the uap0 interface is not listed under the unmanaged-devices section. If it is, remove it from that list.
  2. Restart NetworkManager:

    • After making changes to the configuration file, restart the NetworkManager service to apply the changes:
      sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
  3. Verify Interface Management:

    • Run nmcli device again to check if the uap0 interface is now managed.
  4. Recreate the Wi-Fi Connection:

    • If the interface is now managed, try recreating the Wi-Fi connection:
      nmcli con add type wifi ifname uap0 mode ap con-name torizon ssid torizon
  5. Activate the Connection:

    • Attempt to bring up the connection again:
      nmcli con up torizon

By ensuring that the uap0 interface is managed by NetworkManager, you should be able to set up the access point successfully. If the issue persists, double-check the configuration and ensure there are no other settings or scripts that might be overriding the management of the uap0 interface.

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

Losing mDNS advertisements on mlan0 when uap0 cycles.

Hi @tharun

Your problems looks similar to this other topic.

If you are designing a new product, maybe you should consider upgrading the OS version to Torizon OS 6 or Torizon OS 7, as Torizon OS 5 is already on EOL

We are currently using the Verdin SOM iMX8MP Q 4GB WB/IT. The SOM is running Torizon Core OS 6.8.0 (Preempt RT) without containers.

We need to use two Ethernet ports. One Ethernet port comes by default, but based on our requirements, we want to deploy a second Ethernet port. Previously, we were using the same SOM with Torizon Core 5.7.7 (Preempt RT) without containers. In Torizon Core 5.7.7, we used the following commands:

torizoncore-builder images download --remote-host --remote-username torizon --remote-password

torizon torizoncore-builder images unpack torizon-core-docker-rt-verdin-imx8mp-Tezi_5.7.0-devel-202205+build.23.tar

torizoncore-builder dt checkout

However, when trying to use the dt checkout command on Torizon Core 6, we encounter the following error:

torizoncore-builder dt checkout

The TorizonCore Builder team is re-evaluating the device tree and device tree overlays workflow, and the dt checkout command is currently not supported on TorizonCore 6. Learn how to clone the device trees and overlays repositories on Device Tree Overlays on Torizon | Toradex Developer Center

Can you please provide the steps to change the device tree in Torizon Core 6.8.0?

Hi @tharun

As pointed out by the error message, we change the torizoncore builder workflow.
We now recommend using the torizoncore-builder build command.
This way, all the configurations are set in a .yaml file. You can find more detais about it here.

Specifically about changing the device tree.