Error during wake up hcd_hsh1.dll and esdhc.dll disabled

Hi all,

I build my own image with the drivers i need to run my aplication in the VF61, but there are some issue that i want to quetsion here.

One of the issue is when i suspend the module and wake it up by pin 43 with 3,3V pulse. I saw that USB doesn’t work, It never works. I put loggs in the OS and the results are these.

VMProcessPageFault Error: Page fault occurred while in power handler! Address = 0xcdcc005c
Exception 'Data Abort' (0x4): Thread-Id=00c4002e(pth=c040b378), Proc-Id=00400002(pprc=833f3ae0) 'NK.EXE', VM-active=02520016(pprc=c0478c70) 'explorer.exe'
PC=ef1a20e7(k.cspddk.dll+0x000020e7) RA=ef12cc43(hcd_hsh1.dll+0x0000cc43) SP=cc76f778, BVA=cdcc005c
VMProcessPageFault Error: Page fault occurred while in power handler! Address = 0xcdcc005c
Exception 'Data Abort' (0x4): Thread-Id=00c4002e(pth=c040b378), Proc-Id=00400002(pprc=833f3ae0) 'NK.EXE', VM-active=02520016(pprc=c0478c70) 'explorer.exe'
PC=ef1a20e7(k.cspddk.dll+0x000020e7) RA=ef0a1593(esdhc.dll+0x00001593) SP=cc76f7b0, BVA=cdcc005c
VMProcessPageFault Error: Page fault occurred while in power handler! Address = 0xcdcc0044
Exception 'Data Abort' (0x4): Thread-Id=00c4002e(pth=c040b378), Proc-Id=00400002(pprc=833f3ae0) 'NK.EXE', VM-active=02520016(pprc=c0478c70) 'explorer.exe'
PC=ef1a20e7(k.cspddk.dll+0x000020e7) RA=ef12cc43(hcd_hsh1.dll+0x0000cc43) SP=cc76f778, BVA=cdcc0044
VMProcessPageFault Error: Page fault occurred while in power handler! Address = 0x00000000
Exception 'Prefetch Abort' (0x3): Thread-Id=00c4002e(pth=c040b378), Proc-Id=00400002(pprc=833f3ae0) 'NK.EXE', VM-active=02520016(pprc=c0478c70) 'explorer.exe'
PC=00000000(???+0x00000000) RA=ef0b27a9(touch_vybrid.dll+0x000027a9) SP=cc76f798, BVA=00000000
Exception 'Data Abort' (0x4): Thread-Id=025f0016(pth=c046f028), Proc-Id=00400002(pprc=833f3ae0) 'NK.EXE', VM-active=00400002(pprc=833f3ae0) 'NK.EXE'
PC=efaf355d(k.ceddk.dll+0x0000355d) RA=ef12a253(hcd_hsh1.dll+0x0000a253) SP=cdd9fd18, BVA=00000000
Exception 'Data Abort' (0x4): Thread-Id=01db005a(pth=c0435980), Proc-Id=00400002(pprc=833f3ae0) 'NK.EXE', VM-active=00400002(pprc=833f3ae0) 'NK.EXE'
PC=efaf355d(k.ceddk.dll+0x0000355d) RA=ef12a253(hcd_hsh1.dll+0x0000a253) SP=cd04fd18, BVA=00000000
Exception 'Data Abort' (0x4): Thread-Id=02f90002(pth=c043d920), Proc-Id=00400002(pprc=833f3ae0) 'NK.EXE', VM-active=00400002(pprc=833f3ae0) 'NK.EXE'
PC=efaf355d(k.ceddk.dll+0x0000355d) RA=ef0a45f9(esdhc.dll+0x000045f9) SP=cd34fe48, BVA=00000000

Anyone had encounter this issue before? anyone can help me?
I can’t remove this dll because hcd_hsh1.dll is the usd driver.
the other dll, i have no idea what Device correspond.

Thank in advance.


Dear @Kernel01

  1. Could you please try to repeat your test on our standard image. Is the problem still there?

  2. We got reports about suspend/resume failing if Ethernet is enabled. Please try to disable the Ethernet controller. Does this fix the issue?

Regards, Andy