Error (500) and 104

Hi, when trying to debug from VS code with the Torizon extension I get the following errors:
[10-27 03:07:21.492] Deploying release container…

[10-27 03:07:21.497] Device 06965601 selected.

[10-27 03:07:21.498] Deploying image to target (this may take a few minutes).

[10-27 03:07:33.773] Image not found on target device.

[10-27 03:07:33.778] Exporting local image.

[10-27 03:07:42.820] Image exported, deploying to the target.

[10-27 03:10:50.335] Internal server error

[10-27 03:10:50.336] Error (500) - (‘Connection aborted.’, ConnectionResetError(104, ‘Connection reset by peer’))

This error occured when operation “deploy release container”, and the Torizon development board reboot.
what should i do ?