Erase OS in eMMC in toradex verdin plus

Dear Sir/ Mam
We have verdin imx8m-plus and boot the Torizon OS on emmc ,but we need erase an image from emmc
we follow the link Loading Toradex Easy Installer | Toradex Developer Center

We get the error,
Verdin-iMX8MP_ToradexEasyInstaller_5.7.6+build.21> recovery-windows.bat
Downloading Toradex Easy Installer…
uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips – libuuu_1.4.127-0-g08c58c9

Success 0 Failure 1

4:3 1/ 0 [Failure open usb device ]

ECHO is off.
Downloading Toradex Easy Installer failed…

what we can do

Hi @Nivetha ,
The error could be because

  1. Module not entered into recovery mode. You can confirm that with “lsusb” command
  2. Client cable not connected or not working.

If erasing eMMC is the only task, you may also refer here

Hi Sir/ Mam,

  1. Module not entered into recovery mode. You can confirm that with “lsusb” command
  2. Client cable not connected or not working.

How to conform these above things, provide any reference.

Hi Sir/ Mam

If erasing eMMC is the only task, you may also refer here

This link is given for colibri and apalis but we need the Verdin module erase os procedure

Hi @Nivetha ,
Sorry did not notice that, please try with toradex easy installer method only.
Confirm recovery mode before running Toradex easy installer.