Enable root password

Now i am able to login into root without anypassword.
But i want to enable root password :
SO i modfied the followin in my local.conf file :

# EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES ?="debug-tweaks"
INHERIT += "extrausers"
EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS = "usermod -p abcde root"

My sshuser.bb file :

echo "user1 ALL=(ALL) PASSWD:ALL" >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/sudoers.d/user1

My sshd_config file has the following configurations :

PermitRootLogin no
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
PasswordAuthentication no
#PermitEmptyPasswords no
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

Now when i try to login using sudo -i
i am able to login directly.

What changes have to done to enable password for root login.


Dear @meghana

Sorry for the late answer, I first had to check on myself and then verify if it is working or not. For me, additional to all your settings, following change helped: Changing -p to -P (capital letter). So my local.conf looks actually like that:

 # EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES ?="debug-tweaks"
 INHERIT += "extrausers"
 EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS = "usermod -P abcde root"

Also see here.

Kind regards