Enable KSZ8794 in TorizonCore kernel

we´re planning to integrate a KSZ8794 on our custom carrier board in combination with verdin-imx8mp.
I just checked the current nightly release and the associated kernel module is not yet activated according to /proc/config.gz:


The necessary configuration should be:

Could you please check if it is possible to add the module to TorizonCore?

Best regards,

  • TorizonCore 6.1.0
  • Verdin-IMX8MP
  • Custom Carrier Board

Hi @erik.weber ,

Welcome to our community!

I made your request to the TorizonCore team and it should be analyzed in the next few days. If approved, the configurations will added in the next TorizonCore 6 releases, starting from the nightly builds.

I’ll update here if I receive any news about the request from the team.

Best regards,
Lucas Akira

Hi @erik.weber ,

You config files have been added in our latest TorizonCore 6 nightly builds:

torizon@verdin-imx8mp-14777535:~$ sudo tdx-info

Software summary
Bootloader:               U-Boot
Kernel version:           5.15.77-6.2.0-devel+git.aa0ff7e3554e #1-TorizonCore SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 29 15:33:40 UTC 2023
Kernel command line:      root=LABEL=otaroot rootfstype=ext4 quiet logo.nologo vt.global_cursor_default=0 plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles splash fbcon=map:3 ostree=/ostree/boot.1/torizon/c1a1ffe6cd2c8bfe9c0db9a025e559adfe37acd3158fd8dd997cff9e6b014234/0
Distro name:              NAME="TorizonCore"
Distro version:           VERSION_ID=6.2.0-devel-20230402-build.228
Hostname:                 verdin-imx8mp-14777535

Hardware info
HW model:                 Toradex Verdin iMX8M Plus WB on Verdin Development Board
Toradex version:          0058 V1.1A
Serial number:            14777535
Processor arch:           aarch64
torizon@verdin-imx8mp-14777535:~$ zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_NET_DSA_MICROCHIP_KSZ8795

Hope this helps you.

Best regards,
Lucas Akira

Hi @lucas_a.tx ,

thank you very much for the fast solution.

This should solve my problem. But I´m not yet able to test, because the layout design of our custom carrier board is still in progress.
As soon as I can do some tests, I can give feedback.

Best regards,

Hi @erik.weber,

Thanks for the update.

Please let us know how it goes.

Have a great day!

Best Regards