Ecspi examples for i.MX7 colibri - not being cloned by git

In relelation to this article:

I am finding the examples/imx7_colibri_m4/driver_examples/ecsp folder is not being cloned when I clone from the URL freertos-toradex.git - FreeRTOS for the Cortex M4 core of Heterogeneous Multicore modules

Is there an error in the repository at freertos-toradex.git - FreeRTOS for the Cortex M4 core of Heterogeneous Multicore modules ?

There is no folder ecsp, but ecspi (note the additional i).

Just cloned again with the full command, works fine for me:

$ git clone -b colibri-imx7-m4-freertos-v8 git:// freertos-colibri-imx7/
Cloning into 'freertos-colibri-imx7'...
remote: Counting objects: 5446, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2276/2276), done.
remote: Total 5446 (delta 3202), reused 5246 (delta 3085)
Receiving objects: 100% (5446/5446), 27.27 MiB | 13.75 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3202/3202), done.
$ cd freertos-colibri-imx7/
$ ls examples/imx7_colibri_m4/driver_examples/ecsp
ls: cannot access 'examples/imx7_colibri_m4/driver_examples/ecsp': No such file or directory
$ ls examples/imx7_colibri_m4/driver_examples/ecspi/
ecspi_interrupt  ecspi_polling

Hi Stefan,
I have discovered that TortoiseGit was not cloning the ecspi directory and 2 other directories when I clone, this is what I see when I clone with TortoiseGit:

08/12/2017  08:28 AM    <DIR>          .
08/12/2017  08:28 AM    <DIR>          ..
08/12/2017  08:28 AM    <DIR>          adc_imx7d
08/12/2017  08:28 AM    <DIR>          flexcan
08/12/2017  08:28 AM    <DIR>          gpio_imx
08/12/2017  08:28 AM    <DIR>          gpt
08/12/2017  08:28 AM    <DIR>          uart_imx
08/12/2017  08:28 AM    <DIR>          wdog_imx

when I clone from the command line using git clone -b colibri-imx7-m4-freertos-v8 git:// freertos-colibri-imx7/ :

08/12/2017  08:25 AM    <DIR>          .
08/12/2017  08:25 AM    <DIR>          ..
08/12/2017  08:25 AM    <DIR>          adc_imx7d
08/12/2017  08:25 AM    <DIR>          ecspi
08/12/2017  08:25 AM    <DIR>          flexcan
08/12/2017  08:25 AM    <DIR>          gpio_bank2_imx
08/12/2017  08:25 AM    <DIR>          gpio_imx
08/12/2017  08:25 AM    <DIR>          gpt
08/12/2017  08:25 AM    <DIR>          i2c_imx
08/12/2017  08:25 AM    <DIR>          uart_imx
08/12/2017  08:25 AM    <DIR>          wdog_imx

I guess TortoiseGit does not checkout the branch colibri-imx7-m4-freertos-v8 then. I am not familiar with TortoiseGit, but I would highly expect it can checkout branches.