EasyInstaller does not find tezi.toradex.com served from local machine

I am serving tezi image files with a minimalistic hhtp server based on Python2.7 SimpleHTTPServer from my local machine. I use dnsmasq to map the host machines static ip to tezi.toradex.com (port 80) like described in Custom Image Server without Local Media. If I visit http://tezi.toradex.com:80/image_list.json and in the web browser I get the root directories image list files (the files in subdirectories are accessible as well).

However if I connect to the SOMs (flashed with EasyInstaller v1.7) via vnc I see the error message:

Error downloading image list: Host tezi.toradex.com not found
URL: http://tezi.toradex.com/image_list_3rdparty.json

I do not care about the official image_list_3rdparty.json in my case. Do I have to fake this file to get rid of the error message? The spinner of Reloading images from network... spins forever. If I confirm with press of “OK” button I get the error message:

Error downloading image list: Host tezi.toradex.com not found
URL: http://tezi.toradex.com/image_list.json

The IPs are displayed as follows:


Why do I get these error messages?

Dear @Florian_K,

Are you able to check your own list based in the json from your server directly in TEZI?
Are you able to select an image from your list and flash it to the module despite the error?

Can you remove the 3rd party feed (under the feeds button) and check again?
Just for checking purposes, did you try creating an image_list_3rdparty.json in your server with blank image fields and see if the error persists?

      "config_format": 1,
      "images": [

Sorry for not closing this thread right away after discovery… The issue could not be reproduced after reboot of my dev machine. Seems like there was some misconfiguration of DNS.

Thanks for the feedback!