Display Splash screen on different Target Screen

Using the TorizonCore Builder, I have customized the splash screen with a png image having the following details:
1920 x 155 Pixels
Format png

Using now two screens (HDMI, LVDS).

How could I deploy the same splash screen that it will be displayed on every screen, means depend on the size/resolution of the screen.

details about the LVDS:

  • Resolution: 1280x800px

details about the HDMI:

  • Resolution: 2560x1440px

Any Help?

Best Regards,

Hello @Ahmed49,

While not directly supported by TorizonCore Builder, it may be possible to use two different files for two different displays with Torizon OS.

Torizon OS uses Plymouth for its splash-screen and you should be able to create and assign different themes for different displays.
To create a customized Torizon OS image, you would need to customize a running system and capture the changes using TorizonCore Builder.

That being said, it would likely be much simpler to try to use the same image for both screens and see if the result is satisfactory, as this is the workflow currently supported by TorizonCore Builder.

Best Regards,

Hello @Ahmed49,

Were you able to get this issue resolved?
Or do you need further support with this topic?

Best Regards,

Hi @bruno.tx ,

thank you for your reply.

Yes, if is it possible to let the same .png file displayed as a splash screen on the two monitors, means it will render the image automaticlly to be fit in every display.

Best regards,


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Noted, thanks for the update!

Best regards,