Display Error (due to low voltage?)


we got a customer report with an error displaying the application GUI. The title bar is not rendered correctly. Please see pictures below. We are clueless where this might come from.

Have you seen something like this before and could you give us a hint, why this happens?

From our logs we could see, that out device was not supplied with the correct voltage. Could this display error originate from too low voltage to the colibri imx6?

Display Error:

Correct Display:

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Display issues such as the one you’re describing, where the title bar is not rendered correctly, can indeed stem from various sources, including hardware-related problems like insufficient voltage supply. For the Colibri iMX6 module, ensuring that the device is supplied with the correct voltage is crucial for stable operation, including the proper rendering of graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

Low voltage can lead to unpredictable behavior due to the inability of the system to properly power all components. This can affect the GPU or display interfaces, leading to rendering issues or instability in the display output. It’s important to verify that your power supply meets the requirements specified for the Colibri iMX6 module, which typically includes stable voltage within the recommended range.

If the issue coincides with logs indicating low voltage, it’s highly likely that the display errors are a consequence of this. Addressing the power supply issue should be the first step in troubleshooting this problem. Ensure that the power supply is capable of delivering consistent voltage within the specified range for the Colibri iMX6, even under load.

After resolving any power supply issues, if the problem persists, it may be worth investigating other potential causes, such as software configuration, display interface settings, or even the display panel itself. However, based on the information provided, starting with the power supply is the most direct approach.

Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

Device Tree Overlays on Toradex System on Modules | Toradex Developer Center.

Hello @t_achmann,

Thank you for contacting us! I have not encountered such behaviour before.
I can see from the images you sent me that there is a slight discrepancy between the two views. Are those potentially two different versions of your software? May I ask what specific OS you are using? Are you using WinCE, a yocto build or Torizon OS?

Looking at the first image it seems that the display is not defective, since it shows the black colour on the top bar.

In general lower power is unlikely to have an effect on the module itself, since the PMIC manages such cases. This however does not apply to custom carrier boards, which might experience different behaviour.

Best regards

Hi Collin,

thanks for your reply.

sorry, I forgot to add the ENV:

colibri imx6 DL
qt 5.6
custom carrier board

We tried to reproduce the low power situation in our lab. As you said, we could not see a behavior like this neither.

A second guess was, that due to the low power some graphic drivers from the OS were not loaded. So, maybe the OS / filesystem?
(Due to the low power the app was not able to save the ini-file correctly sometimes)

What is also wired, that it only happens to parts of the GUI. We also got a pic where the lower part of the display has issues, while the title bar is OK.

Kind regards

Hi @t_achmann ,

Could you please clarify the title bar rendering problem you’re referring to? Are you noticing a gray color instead of solid dark, or are there differences in the number or types of icons shown?

Could you please provide the log you mentioned? Does the rendering issue disappear when the correct voltage is supplied?

Is it possible to enable Debug messages on UART and collect logs for both situations—when everything is rendered correctly and when you encounter the issue?