I have a 1024x768 LVDS Display here that requires Hsync and Vsync to be held low during operation.
(Running Linux image 2.6 on Apalis iMX6)
Satement in Datasheet:
Since this assembly is operated in DE
on ly mode, Hsync and Vsync input
signals should be set to low logic
level. Otherwise, this assembly would
operate abnormally
In my opinion this should do the trick, but I’m not getting any output as soon as i set one of the two sync-len parameters to 0. When both are 1 or greater i get the Image shortly before it vanishes and gets all colored vertical lines.
Is there any special Parameter to disable the sync signals to set?
I tried a whole set of configurations now but still won’t get any correct display output.
Is it possible, that i have to set a special option for using DE-only without sync?
I’m still confused that the whole LVDS output is quiet as soon as any sync length is zero. I investigated the driver further but could not find a problem yet. Neither do i get any errors/warnings for ldb during boot.
My problem was finally solved by leaving the driver untouched and simply setting bpp=32 at the vidargs uboot variable (although the former display worked fine without this argument). I still don’t really know what this parameter changes but it works now.