DHCP Server installation on Apalis TK1 with angstrom linux

I am new to angstrom linux. We are using Apalis TK1 board running with Angstrom linux for one of our program. We need to support DHCP server functionality on this board. So please can anyone point me where I can find information regarding how to install DHCP server on angstrom linux. I am familiar with DHCP server installation and dhcpd.conf updates on UBUNTU and Fedora but don’t have much insight into how this is performed on Angstrom linux with yocto file system.

Appreciate any help on this.


That could easily be achieved using systemd-networkd as e.g. explained in the following thread.

Thanks Marcel. Appreciate your help.


You are very welcome.

Hi Marcel,
Can you point me to url where hostapd ipk package is plaed for Apallis TK1 board


HI satish,
please ask a new question.

Starting with BSP 2.8b1 hostapd is actually included in our regular LXDE demo images. For BSP 2.7 you may find resp. package here.

Thanks Marcel for your help to get this resolved.


You are very welcome.