Delete Null Device

I’m using the Toradex Torizon Support extensuin in VS Code. Under explorer - devices I cannot remove or edit a device because it has a null id. It appears to want to connect to a device with a null id. Is there a way to delete this device. See attached photo.

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Greetings @CEK,

Seems this is the same issue that was brought up recently on this thread: VSC Extension has null device - Technical Support - Toradex Community

For the time being it seems a fix in the works, you can try the temporary methods of removing the device configuration files as suggested in the linked thread.

By the way, are you running this on a Windows or Linux system?

Best Regards,

This is on a windows system.

Alright there should be a fix for this on the early access version of the extension. Specifically version 1.3.119. This fix will become available in the stable release of the extension next time we do a release there. So for now please use the early access version to resolve the issue.

Please let me know if the issue still occurs.

Best Regards,

I have a stupid question :slight_smile:
How to I update to early access 1.3.119?
