Defining GPIO that can be used with libgpiod in Verdin-imx8mp

I can use a pin as an output gpio with a led driver, but I want to use it with libgpiod commands. For example I want to set the pin status to 1 and 0 with “gpioset”. How can I do that? How should the device tree definition be? Can you share an example? Thanks

Hello @eepvs ,
You can have a look at our documentation articles:"libgpiod"
Are you using TorizonOS or one of our reference images?

Best regards,

Hi Josep,

Thanks for your reply, i’m using your yocto BSP and ı want to set a pin as GPIO output. I couldn’t understand that from your documents.

Hello @eepvs ,
In thar case maybe this example can be useful to you:

Please keep us updated about your progress.

Best regards,