Could you pleas specify are you talking about X18 Debug connector? When exactly PowrDown happened - when you plug Cable into X18 (other end of cable is disconnected)?
When you plug cable into X18 while other end cable of already connected to PC?
When you run terminal program on your PC (cable already fully connected)?
Yes, I am talking about X18 Debug connector.
Dahlia is running the multimedia image, no cable on X18.
I can connect a cable to X18 - no problem.
I connect the other end of the cable to a laptop - power down.
We do not run a terminal program.
There is no problem when the cable connection from X18 to the laptop is set up before Power-On of the Dahlia.
When the cable is inserted first and then Dahlia is powered up there is no problem.
I am talking about your proposed “alternative solution” for the HAR-8814 (replacing 5 resistors with other values). This alternative solution seems not to work in our case, behaviour is identical to not replacing the resistors.
maybe replacing 5 resistors is not the whole story, are there other modifications necessary to fix this bug on a Dahlia V1.1A Version?
maybe the resistor numbers are wrong or incomplete (R102, R109, R115, R120, and R245)?
maybe the proposed new value of 1 MOhm is incorrect?