Custom defconfig error

Colibri Evaluation Board V3.2
Colibri iMX6ULL 1GB IT

I tried the guide above, but custom defconfig does not apply.
I would like to add the mcp3422 driver to the kernel.

  1. tree
    └── linux
    ├── linux-toradex
    │ ├── asurada-devicetree-file.dts
    │ ├── asurada-devicetree-file.dtsi
    │ └── defconfig
    └── linux-toradex%.bbappend

  2. linux-toradex%.bbappend

FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/linux-toradex:"

# Prevent the use of in-tree defconfig

CUSTOM_DEVICETREE = "asurada-devicetree-file.dts"
CUSTOM_DEVICETREE_INCLUDE = "asurada-devicetree-file.dtsi"
CUSTOM_DEFCONFIG = "defconfig"

SRC_URI += "\
    file://${CUSTOM_DEVICETREE} \
SRC_URI += "\
    file://${CUSTOM_DEFCONFIG} \

do_configure:append() {
    cp ${WORKDIR}/${CUSTOM_DEVICETREE} ${S}/arch/arm/boot/dts
    cp ${WORKDIR}/${CUSTOM_DEVICETREE_INCLUDE} ${S}/arch/arm/boot/dts
  1. defconfig

Please, Help me!!!

Hello, did you see the comments made by ToradexAI?

by adding

do_configure_append() {
echo “CONFIG_MCP3422=y” >> ${B}/.config
oe_runmake oldconfig

in linux-toradex%.bbappend, you can force CONFIG_MCP3422 configuration

Is building image working for you currently?

Thank you


Jung Hyun Jeong

I modified the linux-toradex%.bbappend as below and built it, but it doesn’t work.
In defconfig file of the imx_yocto\build\tmp\work-shared\colibri-imx6ull-emmc\kernel-source.kernel-meta\configs folder, CONFIG_MCP3422=y is not added.

FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/linux-toradex:"

# Prevent the use of in-tree defconfig

CUSTOM_DEVICETREE = "asurada-devicetree-file.dts"
CUSTOM_DEVICETREE_INCLUDE = "asurada-devicetree-file.dtsi"

SRC_URI += "\
    file://${CUSTOM_DEVICETREE} \
do_configure:append() {
    # For arm32 bit devices
    # cp ${WORKDIR}/${CUSTOM_DEVICETREE} ${S}/arch/arm/boot/dts
    # For arm64 bit freescale/NXP devices
    cp ${WORKDIR}/${CUSTOM_DEVICETREE} ${S}/arch/arm/boot/dts
    cp ${WORKDIR}/${CUSTOM_DEVICETREE_INCLUDE} ${S}/arch/arm/boot/dts

    echo "CONFIG_MCP3422=y" >> ${B}/.config
    oe_runmake oldconfig

Easiest way to change kernel config is to create a config fragment. In your case create a file like “enable-MCP3422.cfg” containing just the one line you like to change and add “enable-MCP3422.cfg” to SRC_URI in your recipe.
This should change the kernel defconfig as required (at least it did it for me on Colibri iMX6ULL 512MB WB) .

For more complex config changes you can use “bitbake virtual/kernel -c menuconfig”, apply your changes there, save them and call “bitbake virtual/kernel -c diffconfig”. This will create the file “fragment.cfg” containing only the changes you made to the original kernel config. Copy that to your layer and rename it as you like.

Adding a custom tree might be a bit more complex for NAND-based Colibris, as it has to be added to the kernel device tree, to the u-boot environment and to “image.json” in your Tezi image.

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these commands will show actual running kernel config.

Please use these commands to check on the evaluation board that kernel config is running or not

cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip > running.config


zcat /proc/config.gz > running.config