We bought 7 part numbers from Toradex on-line shop. Now the parts have stuck at the Russian customs. To declare the parts and get them released from customs we need to present a formal confirmation from the manufacturer, that the parts do not contain cryptography means and means for surreptitious obtaining of information.
By “cryptography” the customs means the ability of the parts to secretly encrypt or codify data.
Could you please kindly provide us with a formal letter (on your company stationary), certifying that the following parts don’t contain cryptography means and means for surreptitious obtaining of information:
01351100 Iris Carrier Board - V1.1A
00221200 NVIDIA Tegra 2 Computer on Module - Colibri T20 - 512MB IT - V1.2A
01331000 Ixora Carrier Board - V1.0A
00171000 Freescale i.MX 6 Computer on Module - Colibri iMX6 - DualLite 512MB IT - V1.0A
00251004 NVIDIA Tegra 3 Computer on Module - Apalis T30 - 2GB - V1.0E
00281100 Freescale i.MX 6 Computer on Module - Apalis iMX6 - Quad 2GB IT - V1.1A
01371100 Viola Carrier Board - V1.1A
Thank you.
Dear Olga,
I forwarded your request to our sales team. For similar questions in the future, please directly contact our sales at shop@toradex.com.
Furthermore, we have a list of all our products and the respective Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) on our website:
Toradex - Product Export Compliance