Creating database using sqllite(.db) in WinCE7 toradex colibri T20

Hi Toradex Community,

Currently, I am working for recording the live data which contains 4096 bytes for each channel, here the channel details comes with DPRAM data, I want to store the data in sd card with .db extension, because when I record the live data it takes around 1GB for 1KM recording but I want it to compressed at least 50%, please guide me if possible.

Note - Here the KM and channel denotes a machine configuration, and the machine is Ultrasonic Rail testing machine which is used for checking the railway track.

Best Regards,

Hi @AjeetT20,

Please refer to the below articles.
How to us SQLite in C
How to use SQL database in csharp

Thank You sahil.tx, I will check and anything required, will ask u!