Creating a master file for production using Update Tool

I am trying to create a master file for production following the instructions as noted on

I am using the Update Tool (7.0.0 aka 1.7). But when I click on the ‘backup’ button, I see only ‘configblock(raw)’ and ‘splashscreen(raw)’ option. No OS, bootloader and other options. I am using CE7, OS version 1.1 beta 4

I tried it from command prompt as well: update.exe /u OS,compressed,\Temp\nk7.nbx
and got some errors.

So, how to make a master file for production?

The tool can export only config block at the moment, but you can use your own images for bootloader and OS (no need to export them).
You can create splash screen using our splash screen tool.
We are working on a new version that will support also registry, but this will be available only in our next public beta. Currently you can export the registry entries you need in a .reg file using registry editor and then import them launching it from command line.
For import, that command line should work. Can you try in version 1.1?