Correct way of switching off

I’m trying to figure out how to properly shut down the imx8 Apalis/Ixora setup. Toradex is closed inside fixture and running Torizon and Docker with python project on it. I am currently shutting it down using the command line sudo shutdown -r now. I then see the Torizon logo on the screen and a loading wheel before the PC shuts down. This gives me the logic that background processes are shutting down. However, when I press SW1 on the Ixora board, the device shuts down immediately. I’m worried about damaging the system or part of the container this way.
I ask because I need to turn the PC off and on from outside the fixturing using a button or command line. I see section 3.2.2 in the datasheet regarding the X5 header, but honestly I don’t really understand it for the reason above, or that it seems to kill the system just like pulling the power supply. I’m also not sure if it’s better to use this X5 or the pins on the X27 extension.
Could you please provide information on how exactly to properly power off and on the system to avoid damage? I’m also struggling a bit with the fact that if I understand correctly, the X5 header works on 3.3V logic, but I have 5V and 24V levels in my fixture, so it’s a bit of a hurdle for me to find 3V3 somewhere to possibly boot the PC.

Alternatively, if it is OK to just shut down the power supply? I know some similar systems have this solved with capacitors and logic for automatic shutdown.
Thank you in advance for the answer

Yes, the SW1 button functions like a kill switch. If pressed while the system is running, it will immediately cut power.

For a more controlled shutdown, you can utilize a General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pin connected to a button or another circuit. This would initiate a graceful shutdown process, similar to the shutdown -r now command. Please refer to this article.

While abrupt power cuts are generally not recommended, they typically safe. It don’t cause a hardware damage. However, data loss can occur if the power cut happens during a file write process.

The Apalis iMX8 uses an eMMC chip as its primary file system storage. The eMMC controller incorporates mechanisms to ensure data integrity during power fluctuations. This helps mitigate data loss risks associated with unexpected power cuts.

Yes, the Apalis module operates with 3.3V logic levels. However, some pins on the X5 header can be controlled using an open-drain configuration, which is independent of voltage levels. Could you please specify which circuits of the X5 header you intend to use and for what purpose?

Thank you.
In article which you send is written “This signal makes sure that the DC-DC converters on the carrier board are switched-off completely as if the user pressed the on/off button.” so I don’t understand why this is better or different then SW1?

Could you please specify which circuits of the X5 header you intend to use and for what purpose?

As I wrote before, I need to power off and power on Toradex remotely from outside of the fixture.

As previously mentioned, you can utilize an open-drain configuration connected between the X1 PWR_BTN# signal and ground. This approach enables you to safely use 5V or even 24V to remotely power off and power on the Ixora board.

OK, I understand, thank you. @alex.tx

Just an assurance. I tried a quick proclamation of PWR_BTN# with GND on the X5 header and the Ixora turned off immediately, after proclamation again it turned back on. This works fine.
I just find that the board shuts down quickly as opposed to shutting down with sudo shutdown -r now. So is it ok this way and if I shut down the device using proclamation, can’t the files be corrupted?

Yes, the SW1 button and connecting PWR_BTN# to GND function as a kill switch, immediately cutting off the power.

For a more controlled shutdown, you can utilize a General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pin connected to a button or another circuit. This would initiate a graceful shutdown process, similar to the shutdown -r now command. Please refer to this article .

While abrupt power cuts are generally not recommended, they typically safe. It don’t cause a hardware damage. However, data loss can occur if the power cut happens during a file write process.

The Apalis iMX8 uses an eMMC chip as its primary file system storage. The eMMC controller incorporates mechanisms to ensure data integrity during power fluctuations. This helps mitigate data loss risks associated with unexpected power cuts.