I need to get the 12MHz clock out from the pin 75 of the Colibri T30 module, it seems to me that I need to enable the Camera module, so I tried to recompile the Kernel.
I followed the instructions on the website, but I can’t make it work!
I have compiled the kernel with the default configuration (colibri_t30_defconfig) and added the necessary modification as in
but when I ran the module the LXDE environment did not start and no clock signal is present on the CIF connector. To check if the modules were installed I logged with the terminal and typed depmod with no errors.
I am relatively new to embedded linux development, so I’m still in doubt that i did something wrong!
How can I check if the camera module is actually enabled and working?
If you connected a display and that now just shows black this may have to do with the back light enable and PWM signals unfortunately being multiplexed with camera interface pins as can be seen here and here.
On the Colibri evaluation board you could simply re-wire or hard wire them via resp. headers/jumpers.
and no clock signal is present on the CIF connector.
To actually enable the camera clock to come out you may have to actually enable it in the clock table here. Just set the last column for clk_out_2 and possibly extern2 and maybe even vi to true plus you may want to replace the 24 MHz with 12 MHz if that is the frequency you desire.
To check if the modules were installed I logged with the terminal and typed depmod with no errors.
That just resolves all the module dependency but otherwise is not much indicative of whether or not the modules where properly installed.
I am relatively new to embedded linux development, so I’m still in doubt that i did something wrong!
No problem, you will learn your way around quick.
How can I check if the camera module is actually enabled and working?
To get a list of all currently installed modules use lsmod instead.
To check whether it is working you would need an actual analogue camera adapter/module and follow the article you mentioned.
Or what exactly is it that you are trying to connect via the camera interface?
OK, then what I proposed above for the clock enablement plus making sure the SODIMM pin 75 is not used as a GPIO (e.g. by commenting the following line) alone would be enough and you would not even have to mess with any of the analogue camera adapter/module stuff at all. This due to the SODIMM pin 75 itself already being muxed properly as per default as can be seen here.
Great, I’ve enabled the clock and now it goes fine!
Now i’m going to disable the pin 75 configuration as you said and remove the camera module configuration.