Colibri IMX7D HMP

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Hello Arnaud,

Thank you for your kind words about our System on Modules (SOMs). We’re delighted to hear about your positive experience with them in production.

To update your Colibri iMX7D setup for RPMsg with a newer Linux kernel, you’ll need to adjust the device tree to allocate the necessary RAM buffers for RPMsg.

Steps to Update the Device Tree

  1. Device Tree Overlays: Utilize device tree overlays provided by Toradex, which can simplify enabling RPMsg. Ensure you select the overlay that matches your BSP version.

  2. Manual Device Tree Updates: If manual updates are needed, verify that the memory regions for RPMsg are correctly defined in the device tree source files. This involves setting the appropriate memory addresses and sizes.

  3. Compiling and Applying Overlays: After making the necessary modifications, compile the device tree into a blob (.dtbo) and apply it to your system.

Verifying RPMsg Functionality

Once the device tree is updated and your module is rebooted, check the dmesg log to confirm the RPMsg driver is registered correctly. Look for messages indicating the establishment of RPMsg channels.

Testing RPMsg

To test the setup, you can run RPMsg TTY or Ping Pong demos. Compile these demos using the MCUXpresso SDK and load them onto your module. Verify communication between Linux and Cortex-M by checking the debug UART and dmesg logs for expected outputs.

By following these steps, you should be able to upgrade your system while maintaining RPMsg functionality and complying with the EU Resilient Act.

Best regards,

Toradex AI Assistant

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

Is there a timeline for updating yocto repo manifest for latest yocto and Linux kernel?.