Colibri IMX7D eMMC RPMSG not working

Hi Toradex Technical Support Team,

Currently, we are facing problem using RPMSG on Colibri IMX7D eMMC. This feature is still not working, we don’t even see imx_rpmsg kernel code in the source code.

For your information, we are using Toradex BSP Layers and Reference Images as below:
BSP: 6.8.0
Kernel: Upstream Toradex v6.1.112 based on
Yocto: 4.0 (Kirkstone)
U-Boot: v2022.07

We really look forward to your information and support, as we’re approaching pilot stage.

Thanks in advance for information you can provide.

Kind regards,

Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!

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Hello Pete,

Thank you for reaching out with your query about RPMsg on the Colibri iMX7D eMMC. Let’s work through some steps to help you resolve this issue.

  1. Device Tree Modifications: Ensure that your device tree includes the necessary memory reservations for RPMsg. This is crucial for enabling communication between the cores. Check if any device tree overlays are required for your specific module and apply them accordingly.

  2. Kernel Configuration: Verify that your kernel configuration includes RPMsg support. Specifically, ensure that CONFIG_RPMSG and CONFIG_IMX_RPMSG are enabled. If these options are not set, you will need to adjust your kernel configuration and rebuild it.

  3. Kernel Source Code: Confirm that you are using the correct branch of the Toradex kernel repository that matches your BSP version. The imx_rpmsg driver should be present in the source code if the correct branch is used.

  4. Driver Loading: After making the necessary changes, reboot your module and check the dmesg log for messages indicating that the RPMsg driver has been successfully loaded.

  5. Troubleshooting: If the driver is still not appearing, double-check your device tree and kernel configuration. Ensure that all modifications are correctly applied and that the kernel is built with the necessary support.

By following these steps, you should be able to address the RPMsg issue on your Colibri iMX7D eMMC. If you continue to experience difficulties, reviewing your setup against these points may help identify any overlooked details.

Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

RPMSG configuration in yocto.

Hi Toradex Technical Support Team,

We have tried all steps replied by ToradexAI, but it still doesn’t work.

Hi @pete ,

Can you reach out with what company you are working for? We are looking to prioritize our support efforts and unfortunately a Gmail email with little info on end customer gets put at the bottom.

Feel free to post answer as private.
