Colibri imx6ull 256 NAND device tree modification to support 7 inch touch display resolution and touch

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To modify the device tree for your Colibri iMX6ULL to support a 7-inch touch display on both the Colibri Eval and Viola boards using Yocto, you can use Device Tree Overlays (DTO). This method allows you to make specific changes without recompiling the entire device tree, which is particularly useful for adjusting display settings and enabling touch functionality.

Steps to Modify the Device Tree:

  1. Understand Device Tree Overlays (DTO):

    • DTOs are small fragments of the device tree that can be added or removed as needed. They allow you to enable or disable hardware components dynamically.
  2. Identify the Required Changes:

    • Determine the specific changes needed for your display and touch controller. This typically involves setting the correct resolution and enabling the touch interface in the device tree.
  3. Create a Custom DTO:

    • Start by examining existing overlays for similar hardware in the Toradex device-tree-overlays repository.
    • Create a new overlay file (e.g., my_display_overlay.dts) with the necessary modifications for your display and touch controller.
  4. Compile the DTO:

    • Use the Device Tree Compiler (DTC) to compile your .dts file into a .dtbo file. This can be done using a command like:
      dtc -I dts -O dtb -o my_display_overlay.dtbo my_display_overlay.dts
  5. Deploy the DTO:

    • Place the compiled .dtbo file in the appropriate directory on your boot partition.
    • Edit the overlays.txt file on the boot partition to include your new overlay:
  6. Reboot the System:

    • After making these changes, reboot your system to apply the new device tree settings.

Compiling and Deploying in Yocto:

  • If you are integrating these changes into a Yocto build, you will need to add your overlay to the Yocto project. This involves creating a custom layer or modifying an existing one to include your overlay.
  • Use the bitbake tool to build your image with the new device tree settings.

By following these steps, you should be able to adjust the display resolution and enable touch functionality on your Colibri iMX6ULL using Yocto. If you encounter any issues, ensure that your overlay is correctly formatted and that all necessary hardware components are enabled in the device tree.

Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant.

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

imx6ULL custom device tree.