Is there a way to test DDR memory in case of any memory issue in colibri
imx6 on WEC 13 ?
Could you please why do you need this feature? Doing memory after launching WinCE operating not doable one and also we don’t have any support on that.
I want to implement software shutdown. I have gone through this
link and it talks about software
reboot. Is there any such way for
software shutdown?
We didn’t implement SetSystemPowerState(0, POWER_STATE_OFF, 0), and we would like to suggest to you unmount eMMC(refer this documentation : ) and then can cut the power momentarily and device will be safe to use next time.
Thanks @raja.tx .
OK , so if we face any DDR memory issue, what can be done for that. Re-flashing Win CE image would work?
And regarding the document you referred, can we unmount internal emmc using APIs?