I have faced problems with three iMX6 System on Module (SoM) which I have installed on the Carrier Board Iris Rev.2.0. The issue reflects in changing anything I have deployed into the flash memory. This is the brief history and timeline:
After I have installed the Toradex Windows Embedded Compact 7, version 1.6-20191223 (2019-23-12), I added in :
a new DWORD EnableTrim and set value to 0. I have changed settings for display resolution 4.8 inches, installed a .NETFramework and installed my c# application, as well as other setups to make my application startup.
I have noticed that I have a problem while installing a new version of the application. I closed the application and have seen that I can’t change anything on the FlashDrive (neither delete nor add new data), cannot change any registry value or anything using the ConfigBLockEditor application. It persists the previous file/values after the system reboots.
I have entered recovery mode and tried to reinstall the latest wince version (tried with the older version as well) using Easy Installer. I have kept getting the following error:
Could try to erase flash using Toradex Easy Installer before installing WinCE image?
What is a version of Toradex Easy Installe ryou are using?
Could you please describe in details other setups ?
Also, I tried with the version 5.7 and in that case, I didn’t get any specific error but the easy installer freezes and I couldn’t select anything. Then I forcedly reboot module and tried to install the latest wince version without erasing flash memory. Installation process has begun but after few second the screen turns out blank.
My procedure described in detail:
Create empty AutoRun folder in FlashDrive
Change value of key HKLM\init\Launch50 from expolrer to _explorer
Change value of key HKCU\ControlPanel\Sip\TurnOffAutoDeploy from 0 to 1
Add a new DWORD EnableTrim with value 0 in HKLM\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Class\MMC_Class\High_Capacity
In RegEdit import CommSettings.reg from FlashDrive/Files
I’ve tried all of the above and nothing helped I have erased flash succesfully and also run this command in U_boot terminal, but still having the same problem.
This is an output on Putty terminal which I got while I was trying to install WinCE image via Toradex Installer.
We analyzed your moules and found out that they are in a Write Protect mode due to a eMMC Manufacturer issue. We now have a tool to unlock those module and also prevent others from running into this issue. It’s very easy to use, just put the Tool on a USB Stick or SD Card and it will autorun on insertion and fix the affected units.
We will make this tool available in the next few days.