Can I disable usb driver without reseting?

Hi all,

I made a program that change driver registry to disable the usb. i do because i need disables the usb in certain condition and other enable usb.
This requires reset the device to apply the changes.
¿ Are There some alternative to do this without the need of reset ?

my OS is windows CE 6.0 and my device is pxa310 on toradex last OS image build.


All ideas will be welcome.

Dear @Kernel01

On the PXA310 this is probably not possible - at least we never tested it.

Maybe there are alternative solutions. To go into details, I need to better understand your environment:

  • Which USB port(s) do you need to disable
  • Do you need to disable the Host or Function mode?
  • How does your circuit between Colibri module and USB connector look like?

Regards, Andy

Dear @andy.tx

thanks for answering.
We need to disable all usb ports.
Disabling host mode.
And circuit is a typical usb circuit has no specific features.


Dear @Kernel01

Instead of disabling the USB driver, you cold change the alternate function of the Power-Enable (USBPE) pin to GPIO output and define the level manually.

This way you can turn on/off the power on your USB ports which gives you the same effect as enabling/disabling the USB driver.

Regards, Andy