Building a Reference Image with Yocto Project: error


I followed the instruction reported in

MACHINE ?= "verdin-imx8mp"

host os: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

The command bitbake -k tdx-reference-multimedia-image generates errors:

Summary: 10 tasks failed:
Summary: There was 1 WARNING message.
Summary: There were 20 ERROR messages, returning a non-zero exit code.

Could you please help me?

Best Regards

Hi @VMB ,

When building the BSP Multimedia reference image, the Qt recipes in particular have a very high demand in terms of RAM and CPU during their build process, and some files related to the compilation step may become corrupted if a performance bottleneck happens.

As a result of this, some Qt recipes can fail during the compilation task in a very similar way you reported. To solve this you can try cleaning the sstate cache for each failed recipe, like this:

bitbake -c cleansstate <recipe_name>

Or even cleaning the downloaded sources along with the cache:

bitbake -c cleanall <recipe_name>

Some other things to keep in mind:

  • After cleaning the cache, try building each failed recipe individually if you want to be sure that they’re now building correctly e.g.:
bitbake -k qtwebsockets
  • If rebuilding after cleaning the cache still gives the same error for a particular recipe then its dependencies may have been built corrupted and mistakenly approved by bitbake (I have seen this happen before). In this case you should first try cleaning the cache related to the dependencies and rebuild them.

After doing the above, try building tdx-reference-multimedia-image again and see if it works.

Best regards,
Lucas Akira

Hi @VMB ,

Did you manage to solve the bitbake issues?

Best regards,
Lucas Akira

Hi @lucas_a.tx ,

I could build the Reference Minimal Image tdx-reference-minimal-image.
With this image I have no issue.

Thank you for the help.


I’m currently trying to generate tdx-reference-multimedia-image again.
With the suggestion of @lucas_a.tx I could solve all the errors reported above.
But a new error appears:

ERROR: Task (/media/lu/Toradex/oe-core/build/…/layers/meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/ failed with exit code ‘1’

Can you help me with this issue?


I removed the line
from the

and the image is created

Hi @VMB !

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

Since this thread is solved, the best for us is that you create a new topic for your new question :slight_smile:

Best regards,