BSP 5.2.0 stable checkout

Dear community,
I try to build from scratch the BSP 5.2.0 release initializing a local build with the command
repo init -u -b refs/tags/5.2.0 -m tdxref/default.xml
but when I run bitbake the distro version is DISTRO_VERSION = "5.2.0-devel-20210609131255+build.0"

Looking at the Toradex distro in meta-toradex-distro/conf/distro/include/ the purpose variable is TDX_PURPOSE ?= "Testing" but it should be Release

Am I missing something? Should I need to initialize repo with a different ref string?

Thank you in advance, Stefano.

Dear @Stefano,

Thanks for using the community.

Could you further elaborate what you are trying to achieve? What is the main goal?

Best Regards

Hi @kevin.tx ,
My goal is to build the linux BSP 5.2.0 stable release.

I found the instructions about building the linux BSP referring to a specific tag here but when I use the tag 5.2.0 the distro version is not aligned as a stable release. I don’t know if this is an error on my side or if it depends by a wrong reference to Toradex commits.

Dear @Stefano ,

thank you for sharing.

As you identified correctly, if you want to build a “Release” version you need to add the following lines to your local.conf file.

TDX_BUILDNBR="1" #Any number of your build system

Alternatively you could copy the tdx-base and create your own configuration.

Best Regards

Hi @kevin.tx , I know that changing the variables mentioned above the build will be identified as “Release”.

I guess that Toradex provide such “Stable” release with that variables properly set, isn’t it?

Hi @Stefano,

the variables are created by the CI build machine.

You probably checked the meta data the stable release was built from. In the meta data, the build purpose is always set to “Testing”. The stable build is the build on our CI server and not any other build done elsewhere.

The CI build machine sets the relevant variables based on the release builds in the local.conf file. This is not in any version control. The variables are TDX_BUILDNB, TDX_BUILDNBR, TDX_PURPOSE, and TDX_MATRIX_BUILD_TIME.


If you want to have your build output to not have the ‘-devel’ string, you need to set at least the TDX_PURPOSE.

So for a customer who builds his adapted version for his products it is the customers task to test his image on his hardware to determine if it is ready for stable. Of course it make sense to base this on a stable version we released.

Best Regards

Hi @kevin.tx ,

thank you for the clarification of the intended use for this variables.

Best regards, Stefano.

Hi @Stefano,

glad we could help.

Best Regards