Backup/clone flashdisk iMX7 for production

we have your SOM iMX7 4GB with your Image WinCE 7.
We need backup/clone flashdisk on file of our first working sample and
write this file on others SOM iMX7 for production.
We have try backup the filesystem using the Update Tool, but it remain stuck.

There is another way for backup/clone flashdisk on iMX7?


Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. I’m in early beta, and I would appreciate your feedback.
The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!

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For backing up or cloning the flash disk on an iMX7 module running WinCE 7, you might consider a different approach since you’ve encountered issues with the Update Tool. Although my expertise is primarily in Linux-based systems, I can suggest a general method that is often used in similar scenarios which might be applicable or adaptable to your situation.

  1. Creating a Bootable Linux Environment: First, create a bootable Linux environment on an SD card or USB stick that can be used with your iMX7 module. This environment should have the necessary tools for disk imaging, such as dd or partclone.

  2. Boot from the Linux Environment: Insert the SD card or USB stick into your iMX7 module and boot from this external Linux environment. You might need to adjust the boot settings in U-Boot to prioritize booting from the external media.

  3. Use Disk Imaging Tools: Once booted into the Linux environment, you can use tools like dd to create a byte-for-byte clone of the flash disk. The command might look something like this:

    dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/path/to/backup.img bs=4M status=progress

    Replace /dev/mmcblk0 with the correct device identifier for your flash disk, and /path/to/backup.img with the path and filename where you want to save the disk image.

  4. Restoring the Image: To restore the image to another iMX7 module, you would reverse the process:

    dd if=/path/to/backup.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4M status=progress

    Ensure that the target device identifier is correct to avoid overwriting the wrong disk.

Please note, this method requires careful handling to avoid data loss. Ensure that the target device (/dev/mmcblk0 in the example) is correctly identified, as a mistake could overwrite critical data on the wrong disk.

Since your original question involves WinCE 7, which is outside my primary area of expertise, I recommend verifying the feasibility of this approach in your specific context, especially considering boot compatibility and hardware access permissions in a Linux environment.

Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

How to Use Subsystem Updates | Toradex Developer Center.

I’m have a very basic knowledge about linux and its bash command line.
In addiction in the AI points there is not a good explain about where recover the linux software and how create bootable usb or where find instructions about it.

There is a way under WinCE? Or there is a better explain how do this under linux?


Hi @GiovanniAccinniSrl ,

Can you give me some more information on what OS/BSP Version and Update Tool version you are using? The backup from the update tool should work. I just tested it and it seems to work, but maybe there is some specific usecase which has an issue…
Also: Make sure you don’t save the backup to \Flashdisk, that could cause problems.

Hello Mr.Germano,
About our SOM iMX7 4GB WinCE 7, I use your Image v1.3 with bootloader v1.3.
Both are sended from you year ago.
The Update tool version is 7.9.0 (2.3).

The only thing that can change from your original image is the name of the drives
that I have rename using these registry setting:
“Folder”=“Disco rigido”

“Folder”=“Disco rigido”

and with these settings the drives are mapped like this:
Flashdisk → Disco rigido
USB HD → Disco rigido2
USB HD2 → Disco rigido3

With all these settings, our software work properly without problems.
The Update tool work without problems, except for the filesystem (raw) backup that remain stuck.


Hi @GiovanniAccinniSrl ,

I tried to test with your exact settings, but it works for me…
Maybe there is some other difference…
I tried to save to the backup to \ on the device… Where do you save it?
How much data do you have on Flashdisk?
Maybe the place where you put the backup file does not have enough space?
Can you try with only a few files on flashdisk to see if the issue is related to the file quantity or size?
Maybe there is a file with a strange name or a very deep directory path level?
(the backup is done file by file and we recurse all subdirectories, maybe there are too many and the tool crashes?)
Also: does the tool just get stuck, without any error message? or does it show something on screen or maybe on serial debug output?

I try save filesystem (raw) on Disco rigido3 that is USB_HD2.
In total there are 446MB occupied on Flashdisk, divide in 280 folders
with 1300 files and the folders at maximum had 3 levels like in example:
\Root Flashdisk
|- FolderLevel1
| |
| |- FolderLevel2a
| | |
| | |_ FolderLevel3a (contain 5 files)
| |
| |- FolderLevel2b
| | |
| | |_ FolderLevel3b (contain 5 files)
. .
. .
. .

I will try reducing the number of files and folders and I will inform you.
The tool remain stuck without any error message and don’t show nothing on the screen.

Best Regards