I wanted to bring to your attention a notable change in behavior regarding the backlight PWM in the Toradex Board Support Package (BSP) versions 2.6 and 2.7.
In BSP 2.6, the backlight PWM remained active during shutdown. However, with the update to BSP 2.7, we’ve observed that the backlight PWM is now being turned off during shutdown.
This change in behavior might affect certain applications or setups where the backlight PWM state during shutdown is crucial.
If you’ve encountered this change and have insights or workarounds to share, please feel free to contribute to this discussion. Your experiences and solutions could be beneficial to others navigating this adjustment.
Colibri iMX6DL 512MB IT V1.1A
Linux BSP 2.7
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences!
Currently we cannot update to a BSP newer than 2.7. After the machine is shut down, the user is presented with a “power off screen” indicating that the power can/must be turned off now. To do this, the backlight PWM must remain switched on when the shutdown-target becomes active. This was the case with BSP 2.6. What exactly has changed regarding the backlight PWM?