AT command from TorizonCore

Hello , I want to test my GSM modem with AT commands, i had a difficulty with (Apt-get update) on TorizonCore , i know that these Advanced Packaging Tool is designed for debain , so my question is how i can add an Advanced Packaging Tool designed for torizonCore to get install minicom .

apalis-imx6-10634013:/home/torizon# cat /etc/*-release
VERSION="4.0.0-devel-202004+build.3 (zeus)"
PRETTY_NAME="TorizonCore 4.0.0-devel-202004+build.3 (zeus)"

Greetings @tissoudali,

By default TorizonCore itself doesn’t come with a package manager. However by using Docker (part of TorizonCore by default) we can create a Debian environment within a container. Then from there it’s just a matter of using Debian’s apt.

For more information on Debian containers that we provide for Torizon please take a look here: Debian Containers for Torizon | Toradex Developer Center

Next, since it looks like you’ll be using a serial/UART based hardware device it might also be helpful to see how to properly use similar devices in a container. For which you can take a look here: How to Use UART on TorizonCore | Toradex Developer Center

Best Regards,

thanks for your return, the information that you share it with me it really useful, but in the next steps of my project .
in this part of my project :
i want to add a package management in the base system (Torizon) like opkg , to install minicom to do some AT commands whitout using Docker (Debian environment), i think opkg it use in embedded Linux (but i am using Torizon).
So my questions are :
if it not possible to have a package management on Torizon , can you help me find a way to add “minicom” or “screen” on TorizonCore??
Torizon have a program similar to “minicom” to do some AT commands from the base system ??

Thanks you so much for your help


May I ask why you don’t want to use the docker/container capabilities of Torizon?

But going forward, if you want to add more tools/features to Torizon without containers. Then your only real option is to do a customized Yocto build to add these into the OS image yourself. However if you’re just going to do a customized Yocto build and not going to use containers, then at this point it doesn’t make much sense to use Torizon.

Have you checked out our non-Torizon Linux BSP? If you have the necessary Yocto expertise then working with that BSP would be simpler than trying to customize Torizon.

Best Regards,

I am already using docker/containe, it realy helpful and stable .

But as you said for going forward, i want to know if i can add same tools/features to Torizon without containers.

I would like to ask you to share with me same useful links to do customized Yocto build.

And by the way, why Torizon don’t provide package management ??
thank you Jeremias.

Tissoudali Mohamed

I don’t quite understand now. Why do you want these tools/features on the base Torizon OS and not in the container? Are you going to be using these in a certain way that they can’t be in a container?

Torizon doesn’t have a package manager because containers makes this rather redundant. With containers you can create an encapsulated environment based on any major Linux distribution, including their package managers. With containers one can have access to almost any package manager, therefore the base OS doesn’t really need one then.

As for Yocto builds, please keep in mind that the Yocto build system is a very complex topic with a steep learning curve.

We have documents on how to setup a yocto environment for Torizon: Build TorizonCore from Source With Yocto Project/OpenEmbedded | Toradex Developer Center

We also have articles on basic yocto configuration: Custom meta layers, recipes and images in Yocto Project (hello-world examples) | Toradex Developer Center

But we don’t have very specific articles on yocto as it’s a very complex topic with many documents/articles out there on the internet.

Best Regards,

The first part of my project consists of analysing the communication between the base Torizon OS and my GSM modem that why i needed to add same tools.
and also to get as much as i can of information about my OS base system.(possibilite of add /remove/update etc).
but in the next part i will use docker/container + visual studio 2019 to creat some c/c+ Application .

I have a last question , adding tools/features to the base Torizon OS, can damage the functionality of torizon ??

thanks for your help .
Tissoudali Mohamed.

You are able to monitor the host OS network from a container. You’ll need to configure the container to run on the host’s network. More details here: Use host networking | Docker Documentation

As for your last question. It depends on what you mean by “damage”. By doing a Yocto build you can customize pretty much every detail about the OS. From kernel to device tree to filesystem and other included binaries. So in that sense unless you know what you’re doing you can easily end up with either a nonfunctional OS image or strange unintended results.

Best Regards,