Which is the path of the application that I should point to? On my development PC? On the VF61 device?
[Tdx]: On your development Machine
Should I copy files from armv4i?
[Tdx]: Yes, please do the same
Why the root directory? Because I copied there appverif.exe, verifhlp.dll, …?
[Tdx]: If you see the third picture, we set the Destination path as root or My device(), hence we suggested to put all those files in the My Device directory. If you chance Destination path to some other directory, you would put all those in that directory and let us know the result.
Technically, you can put it in the My Device or \FlashDisk\System or Your application folder.
If you see the third picture, we set the Destination path as root or My device()
I don’t understand which picture you refer to.
Can you clarify, please?
Sorry for the wrong understanding. Maybe such features not available in the Application verifier tool. If you connect and Run the program, where it is putting the application on the device side? you can keep all the other related files there and do your testing. Will results change if you keep files in the My device directory or any other problem which prevents from not keeping files in the My device directory?