I started to use Apalis TK1 on a carrier board Ixora.
It cashses very frequently when my system based on GStreamer is running.
Then I made a small script to test it as below.
run() {
for count in `seq 1 10000`
python <<EOT
a = 1000 * 1000
print "%s: %s" % (key, a)
run 1 &
run 2 &
run 3 &
run 4 &
run 5
The Linux kernel will reboot automatically a minute later after the script run.
I have 3 Apalis TK1 on Ixora and every devices crashes by the script.
The temperature of the heatsink is very high when the kernel reboot.
The high temperature causes it?
My Apalis was installed as the page.
These are used to install.
- Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R21.5.0_armhf.tbz2
- Apalis_TK1_LinuxImageV2.6.1Beta1_20160929.tar.bz2
- JetPack-L4T-2.3-linux-x64.run
Let me know how to avoid the crash!
Thanks in advance.