Apalis iMX8 - Tezi installer failing to start


We are currently starting production of a new product using the Apalis iMX8 module. Our application does not require a display therefore our carrier board is not fitted with any display related circuitry

As part of the production process, we insert a USB stick containing our software image and boot the device, relying on the autoinstall option of the pre-installed Toradex Easy Installer to flash the device and reboot into our image. With Tezi version 2.0b-7, this process has worked seamlessly.

We have recently received a batch of units which have version Tezi 5.3.0+build3 pre-installed on the module and on these the Tezi software will not start on boot; it will get stuck after the initial boot for several minutes, before failing and landing in the shell.

By tailing the logs, it states it could not create the wl_display (no such file or directory) and it could not load the QT platform plugin “wayland” even though it was found.

If we start tezi manually, using the boot command found in /etc/rc.local, replacing the platform ‘wayland’ for ‘vnc’ – then it will successfully install our software. Please see the log below.

Failed tezi boot:

e[1mWelcome to the Toradex Easy Installere[0m

This is a Linux based installer for Toradex modules. Currently, the installer
does not have a serial console interface. You can use the Toradex Easy Installer
via any of the available display interfaces using USB mouse/keyboard or via a
network connection using VNC. Use:
  # ip addr show eth0
to display the Ethernet IP address or use USB RNDIS at IP

Check our documentation at:

[   25.871579] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[   47.095836] rtc-ds1307 4-0068: read error -5
[   65.873913] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[   75.875291] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[   85.875686] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[   95.876193] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  105.877546] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  115.877898] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  123.624684] rtc-ds1307 4-0068: read error -5
[  125.879500] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  135.879809] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  145.880124] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  186.012927] udevd[332]: worker [338] /devices/platform/bus@56260000/56268000.hdmi timeout; kill it
[  186.012991] udevd[332]: seq 2813 '/devices/platform/bus@56260000/56268000.hdmi' killed
[  230.888730] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  240.889636] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  250.890069] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  260.890478] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  270.890874] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  280.891318] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  290.891742] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  300.892666] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  310.893100] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  360.897389] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  365.923472] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  370.952104] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  375.980236] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  381.007861] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  386.035494] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  391.063616] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  396.092476] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  401.119942] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  406.148212] cdns-mhdp-imx 56268000.hdmi: [drm:cdns_mhdp_reg_read] *ERROR* Failed to read register.
[  406.175878] [drm:hdmi_phy_config [cdns_mhdp_imx]] *ERROR* PMA ouput macro power up failed
[  406.175894] [drm:cdns_hdmi_phy_set_imx8qm [cdns_mhdp_imx]] *ERROR* failed to set phy pclock
[  411.176858] [drm:cdns_hdmi_mode_set] *ERROR* cdns_hdmi_mode_set, ret = -110
/ # 
/ # [  411.641225] udevd[332]: worker [338] failed while handling '/devices/platform/bus@56260000/56268000.hdmi'
/ # cat /var/volatile/tezi.log 
Failed to create wl_display (No such file or directory)
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: linuxfb, minimal, offscreen, vnc, wayland.

/ # [  431.672882] [drm:cdns_hdmi_get_edid_block] *ERROR* get block[0] edid failed: -110
[  431.680412] [drm:cdns_hdmi_connector_get_modes] *ERROR* Invalid edid

Manual tezi boot:

/etc/init.d # nohup /usr/bin/tezi -autoinstall  -platform vnc < /dev/null >> /va
/etc/init.d # bg
[1] nohup /usr/bin/tezi -autoinstall -platform vnc 0</dev/null 1>>/var/volatile/tezi.log
/etc/init.d # tail -f /var/volatile/tezi.log e
Progress: "Creating filesystem (ext4)"
Finished with exit code: 0
Running Command:  "mount" ("/dev/mmcblk0p3", "/run/media/tmp", "-o", "acl")
Progress: "Mounting file system"
Finished with exit code: 0
Uncompress file "buster-arm64-factory-1.0.0-rc2-20220112.1.root.tar.xz"
Running Write Command: sh ("-o", "pipefail", "-c", "cat 'aa-buster-arm64-factory-1.0.0-rc2-20220112.1.root.tar.xz' | xz -dc | pv -b -n 2>/var/volatile/pvpipe | tar -x --xattrs --xattrs-include='*' --numeric-owner --acl --warning=no-timestamp --warning=no-unknown-keyword -C /run/media/tmp/")
"Temporary failure in name resolution"
"Temporary failure in name resolution"
"Temporary failure in name resolution"
"Temporary failure in name resolution"
Write pipe stderr output: ""
Finished writing after 187.519 seconds, 1462671360 bytes total so far.
Running Command:  "umount" ("/run/media/tmp")
"Temporary failure in name resolution"
Finished with exit code: 0
Processing blockdev:  "mmcblk0boot0"
Running Command:  "/usr/sbin/blkdiscard" ("/dev/mmcblk0boot0")
Finished with exit code: 0
Raw dd file "imx-boot"
Running Write Command: sh ("-o", "pipefail", "-c", "cat 'imx-boot' | pv -b -n 2>/var/volatile/pvpipe | dd of=/dev/mmcblk0boot0 seek=0")
Write pipe stderr output: "2474+0 records in\n2474+0 records out\n"
Finished writing after 0.096 seconds, 1463938048 bytes total so far.
Config Block written to "mmcblk0boot0"
Running Command:  "/usr/bin/fw_setenv" ("--config", "/etc/fw_env.config", "--script", "/run/media/src/u-boot-initial-env-sd")
Finished with exit code: 0
Executing: /bin/sh ("/run/media/src/wrapup.sh", "0037", "V1.1C", "07013202", "/run/media/src")
Env: ("PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin")
[ 1613.341537] arm-smmu 51400000.iommu: removing device with active domains!
[ 1613.348945] reboot: Restarting system

While this offers a potential workaround, it will have a significant impact on our production process as it requires intervention by an operator where previously multiple units could be installed in parallel. Can you please advise us how we can resolve this issue?

Many thanks,
Aaron Penfold

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