I managed to have my own dts specific for my board. I’m able to generate a .dtb, is available in the deploy/images/colibri-imx6 and even in the image_*_.tar.bz2. So far so good.
With the last step I’m struggling. What is the preferred way to add the new dtb file in the update.sh script?
I did not found a way to teach the script from outside.
The only way I see is to make a copy of the script and add it in my own image layer.
But how to add it in the Image? In the tdx-image-fstype.inc, image_deploy_arm() the source directory
for all burn tools is specified in ${BURNFLASH}. When I change this, then I have to move all tools.
There must be a better way…
In order to make it clean dtb from start to finish you need to alter 2 things:
machine.conf - add new dtb to the list of current dtb’s or substitute one of them - your choice
update.sh (located in meta-toradex-demos/recipes-images/images/files/library/imx6) and in your device (colibri-imx6) add your device tree to KERNEL_DEVICETREE variable
Step done
The machine.conf is defined in meta-freescale-3rdparty/conf/machine/colibri-imx6.conf
so I added my dtb in a own linux-toradex_4.9-1.0.x.bbappend
KERNEL_DEVICETREE += " imx6dl-colibri-xyx-v1.dtb"
I expect that is correct.
I made a copy of update.sh, add add my dtb in KERNEL_DEVICETREE and save it in my image-layer.
How can I tune the image building image_deploy_arm() from tdx-image-fstype.inc to include my modified update.sh
Hi Joao
Yes I can do this, BUT where should I git-push the modification?
So I have to maintain a own repo with my modifications of your meta-toradex-demos.
This is NOT how I learnt we should deal with modification within Yocto.
Regards Stefan
Hi Joao
Yes I can do this, BUT where should I git-push the modification?
So I have to maintain a own repo with my modifications of your meta-toradex-demos.
This is NOT how I learnt we should deal with modification within Yocto.
Regards Stefan
For 2) I guess the only way to properly overwrite this in your own layer is to create your own image, include tdx-image-fstype.inc and overwrite imagedeploy_arm. Alternatively, just copy through the complete file tdx-image-fstype.inc.
Note that we are aware that the image generation process is not entirely ideal as it is now. It should be an image class. That is why we are using a custom image class for Toradex Easy Installer images (see meta-toradex-bsp-common/classes/image_type_tezi.bbclass).
Thanks a lot for your help. Over the long run, we plan to write our own image creation class to sign our images.
Meanwhile I can work copy the imagedeploy_arm()