we have worked with the Tk1 Version 1.1A the whole time and all was fine. Now we have get a new charge of TK1 (Version 1.1A) and the first we have detect was that the Toradex configblock and the MAC address in uboot was missing. This was fixxed by us but now the ADC from the K20 only detect 65535 (ADC0) or neraly 500 (ADC1 and ADC2). Also If I add any voltage to the ADCs the value are not changed. I have try this on the Ixora Board and have shorted the ADC0 to GND but also here the value are 65535.
Do you know about problems in the production (HW fail on all boards) or do you have any ideas for fix this with SW?
Here is a SN of one of the 20 bad TK1 modules: 02882524.
It will be nice to know if we must send the modules back because we need working modules next week.
Please try this procedure Using K20 Companion MCU on Apalis TK1 followed by an update to our latest BSP.
Can you provide boot dmesg output before and after?
Does it reproduce on all of the new modules?
Can you try fresh module with ixora without plugging it into your custom board before?
the removing of the K20 firmware was a great hint. We have remove the K20 firmware with uploading a “apalis-tk1-k20.bin” file (with only one byte) over SFTP (WinSCP) on /lin/firmware/.
After reboot we have seen that the firmware was erased (dmesg | grep apalis).
Now we have only copy the “apalis-tk1-k20.bin” file from a working TK1 to the nonworking TK1 over SFTP and reboot the system.
After reboot all was fixed and we haven’t need any reflash or update of the linux firmware.