Activating USB3 on apalis imx8 Wifi

Dear Toradex Team,

I have an Apalis iMX8 QuadMax 4GB Wi-Fi / Bluetooth IT (PN 00371104).

I just discovered in this post How to activate both USB3 on i.MX8 Ixora board - #10 by henrique.tx that the Wifi version has no USB3 SS. Could you confirm ?

Is there a way to activate USB3 SS on such this module ?

Best regards,

According to the Apalis iMX8 datasheet :
The i.MX 8 SoC features only one USB 3.0 port with SuperSpeed signals and a second USB 2.0 High-Speed interface with integrated PHY. Additional to these two USB ports, the i.MX 8 features a third USB port with an HSIC (High-Speed Inter-Chip) interface. This interface is used for the USB3503A HSIC USB Hub. This hub provides three additional USB ports and is located on the module. Two ports are accessible as USB_H2 and USB_H3, while the third one is used for the Bluetooth interface of the Wi-Fi module. Since the i.MX 8 features only one USB port with SuperSpeed signals, the USB 3.0 functionality is only available on the USB_H4 port of the Apalis form factor. The USB_O1 port does not feature the SuperSpeed signals. Only USB High-Speed is available. However, on modules that do not have the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth module assembled, the SuperSpeed signals of the USB_O1 port are used for providing the secondary PCIe port (PCIE1). The PCIe signals on these pins cannot be used for USB 3.0 SuperSpeed. They can only be used as secondary PICe port, independently of the actual function of the USB_O1 port.

In short, there is no way to activate USB3 SuperSpeed
If you need more than one USB SuperSpeed interface, consider integrating a USB SuperSpeed hub onto your carrier board and connecting it to the Apalis USB SS port

Your sentence …

… brings me some confusion.

I just need one USB3 SuperSpeed interface. Is it possible on this module (iMX8 with Wifi) ?

Best regards,

Yes it’s possible. The i.MX 8 features only one USB port with SuperSpeed signals, the USB 3.0 functionality is only available on the USB_H4 port of the Apalis form factor.
Those signals are available on all variants of the Apalis iMX8 modules
On the Ixora board, the USBSS port is available on the upper part of the X8 connector (X8A).